Important advice for young foreigners: Have you finished school and want to stay here to work legally? Don’t forget this!

There are currently around 15,000 foreigners studying at Slovak universities. If you are one of them, you should read this. These days, young people who have just successfully completed their studies at university are deciding what to do with their lives. Vacation? Travel? Or finding a good job? While Slovak graduates have it easier, the situation of foreigners – third-country nationals who have been studying in Slovakia for years while earning a living through part-time jobs – is much more complicated. If they want to stay in Slovakia and work here legally, they will have to go through a lot of paperwork with the authorities. The rules and conditions they have to meet are not easy. It is definitely worth contacting experts to guide them safely through the Slovak bureaucracy.

While studying at Slovak universities, foreigners – third-country nationals can benefit from various advantages, including the opportunity to work legally alongside their studies. However, the successful completion of the second cycle of university education changes everything fundamentally. Upon completion of their studies, the validity of their student visas or the purpose of their temporary stay in Slovakia automatically expires for foreigners – third-country nationals!

A new permit is required

What to do now? There is no easy answer, but at ProfiDeCon we have experienced experts in immigration law and can resolve even this situation. Graduates = third-country nationals who have lost their student status with the last exam and want to stay in Slovakia must first obtain a temporary residence permit for a different purpose. If they want to get a job, they will need a temporary residence permit for the purpose of employment. It should be borne in mind that the immigration police departments experience a huge workload during the summer months. However, ignoring the need to obtain a new residence permit is certainly not worth it for recent graduates!

An application is essential

The good news is that a foreigner – a third-country national and a graduate of a Slovak school who applies for a change of purpose of stay in Slovakia from study to employment does not have to wait for the Alien police to approve the change. He/she can get a job as soon as he/she submits his/her application for change of purpose of stay to employment! However, the precondition is that his/her application is complete. At the same time, his/her employer is obliged to report the necessary data on the start of the employment relationship on the basis of the information card to the public employment office. How to prepare the necessary documents and what information they must contain is a challenge and it is a good idea to contact experts to prepare them and not risk having your application rejected by the Alien police.

If you need advice or to deal with the official procedures of foreigners in Slovakia, do not hesitate to contact us. At ProfiDeCon, we help people to make their dreams of a successful career in Slovakia come true.
